Round tables, debates, worshops, shows : discover the programme summary of the rencontres TDC !
TDC – Territoires Dansés en Commun is a cross-border project for arts education (EAC) which aims to develop artistic projects in schools, socio-cultural and medical-educational environments, on the initiative of the AICC – Association Interjurassienne des Centres Culturels and VIADANSE direction Fattoumi/Lamoureux – Centre chorégraphique national de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in Belfort. It takes place on both sides of the Franco-Swiss border between the Territoire de Belfort, the Pays de Montbéliard, the Canton of Jura and the French-speaking part of the Canton of Berne from January 2018 to December 2021.
Les Rencontres TDC build upon the outcome of a four-year project aiming at developing practice, training and research. They bring together institutional leaders, operators and outreach officers / mediators from the cultural, educational, socio-cultural and medico-educational sectors, as well as artists and students, in order to discuss and debate a set of common themes in the field of arts education.
Meeting of the representatives of the cultural action/artistic and cultural education centres and cultural meidators / advocating arts education, designing a strategy.
2-5 PM, Town Hall, place d’armes (to be confirmed)
Designing an Arts Education Advocacy toolkit.
With the participation of the Association des Centres Chorégraphiques Nationaux (ACCN), the Association des Centres de Développement Chorégraphique Nationaux (A-CDCN) in France and Swiss cultural mediators.
Meeting moderated by the Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles (OPC).
8 PM, VIADANSE – espace Duboc
Épaulette, Alexander Vantournhout.
D’Eux, Aïcha M’Barek & Hafiz Dhaou.
Followed by an exchange with a mediator from the Gymnase CDCN, Roubaix
With LOOP network, national network for dance and young audiences.
10 AM-12.30 PM, ATRIA AUDITORIUM – Convention centre
• Keynote speeches by institutional partners
In the presence of the City of Belfort, the Cantons of Berne and Jura, the DRAC Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the Conseil Départemental du Territoire de Belfort the Rectorat de l’académie de Besançon.
With officials and representatives from the Belfort City Council, the Cantons of Bern and Jura, the Regional Council for Cutlure, the Territoire de Belfort Distrit Concil, the Franche-Comté Regional Education Board.
• Presentation of the Territoires Dansés en Commun – TDC project
• Summary of the research project of Gian Desboeuf, research assistant at the Haute École Pédagogique-BEJUNE
• Presentation of the research conclusions by Patrick Germain-Thomas, doctor in sociology and researcher
• Outcome presentation of a choreographic project carried out at the Institut Médico-ÉducatifPerdrizet – Giromagny followed by a short discussion with the students, their teachers / educators and the artist.
Presented by Gaëlle Piton, sophrologist, coach and journalist.
Round table
Cross-border cooperation : inventing new mobilities
2-3 PM, ATRIA AUDITORIUM – Convention centre
• Dominique Martinoli, coordinator of Évidanse in Switzerland
• Laurent Vinauger, head of the delegation for dance, French ministry of Culture
• Stéphane Berdat, delegate for cooperation of the Canton of Jura in Switzerland.
Moderated by the Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles (OPC).
Round table/workshop
« Mediation function », practical cases of professions in perpetual definition
2-4 PM, ATRIA – Convention centre
A pivotal function between the inside and the outside, mediation has developed in the cultural sector to the point of being at the heart of its missions. Information, transmission, sharing, relations, participation, education, empowerment these notions associated with the field of mediation reveal multiple ways of thinking about this field of action. Through the sharing of experiences and the observation of professional approches from various structures and countries, the aim is to understand the differences, the obstacles and the shared values.
Moderated by Fanny Delmas, head of the Arts Education Department at the Centre National de la Danse (CN D) in Pantin (Paris, France).
Round table
Dance in continuing education : a cross-section of the european territory and paths for the future
2-4 PM, ATRIA – Convention centre
In the light of the wishes expressed by teachers (cf. the survey carried out as part of the TDC research supported by the HEP-BEJUNE), this round table proposes to compare different examples of in-service training in dance (in Germany, France and Switzerland) and to seek, with the speakers as well as with the participants, some common key components, the dissemination of which would be useful for the development of dance in the school and educational context.
Moderated by Regula Nyffeler, head of continuing education in Arts education, sport and movement at the Pädagogische Hochschule of Bern and Gérard Oustric, advisor to the local education board of the Territoire de Belfort.
Round table/debate
Artistic and cultural education practices and cultural policies.
What challenges ?
3-4 PM, ATRIA – Convention centre
Discussion conducted by the Observatory of Cultural Policies (OPC).
Round table
Dance education in schools : what for ?
4:30-5:30 PM, ATRIA – Convention centre
Based on the testimonies and analyses of three people professionally involved in the field of arts education – an artist, a teacher and a cultural manager – this meeting aims to study in depth the possible effects of arts education for learners, particularly in the field of dance. On different levels – relational, cognitive, artistic – it will question the concrete actions that make these benefits possible and the conditions necessary for their occurence.
• Nathalie Yokel, director of artistic projects and development at the Théâtre Louis Aragon, scène conventionnée Art et création en danse – Tremblay
• Maud Serusclat, doctoral student associated with MA scène nationale – Pays de Montbéliard
• Agathe Pfauwadel, dancer-choreographer (Pasarela company).
Designed and moderated by Patrick Germain-Thomas, doctor in sociology and researcher.
Designing tomorrow’s arts education
4:30-5:30 PM, ATRIA – Convention centre
Conducted by the Observatory of Cultural Policies (OPC).
Presentation of the TDC project think tank
5:30 PM, ATRIA – Convention centre
Since 2019, the TDC project has brought together a Franco-Swiss group of actors in artistic and cultural education in dance (choreographers, education and teaching specialists, researchers, mediators). This group (the GRP) has reexamined practices, formulated recommendations and nourished the contents of the TDC training. Some of its members give an account of the singularity and functioning of this intercultural group.
Supervised by Gaëlle Piton, sophrologist, coach and journalist.
Dancewalk – Retroperspectives, Neopost Foofwa company
8 PM, VIADANSE – espace Duboc
Performance followed by an open discussion exchange with swiss artist Foofwa d’Imobilité.
Programme under construction (performances, workshops…).
• Books on the Move travelling bookshop : a selection of books on dance art choreography
• Tools/resources area, presentation of the TDC digital platform and the GUIDE TDC
• Exhibition room
• MACHINE, interactive installation by VIADANSE’s associate artist – Valeria Giuga (Cie Labkine). Free access at the Belfort Art School.
Participative project crated by Éric Lamoureux
A creation for/with the inhabitants of the Territoire de Belfort and more… HOURRA draws on the compositional modes of Héla Fattoumi and Éric Lamoureux’s 2020 work : AKZAK, L’impatience d’une jeunesse reliée. In the framework of the Festival International de Musiques Universitaires (FIMU).
More information ici
Created by Foofwa d’Imobilité – Neopost Foofwa dance company
Conceived as a geographical inprint of the body and dance, the Dancewalk is an activity where walking becomes dancing, where the dance is an continuous motion, over several kilometres and for several hours, through a city or a region.
The route along the Belfort-Bienne/Biel railtrack
• Departures : Belfort in France and Bienne/Biel in Switzerland
• Stops : Meroux in France and Moutier, Delémont, Porrentruy in Switzerland
• Terminus : Delle in France and Boncourt in Switzerland
• Stopover : gathering at the French-Swiss border, Boncourt
• Arrival : Delémont for the official opening ceremony of the Théâtre du Jura
On each stop, a performance, organised with groups of locals takes place. Addition events with the train coaches will take place, during the journeys from Biel to Boncourt (Swiss border) or Belfort to Delle (French border).
More information ici
Programme under construction, subject to change